HIMPP stands for Hearing Instrument Manufacturers Patent Partnership.
HIMPP owns a portfolio of patents related to hearing instruments and licenses those patents on fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory (FRAND) terms to anyone interested. The original stock of the portfolio is a group of patents acquired from 3M in 1996, but other patent portfolios have been acquired since then.
K/S HIMPP is registered in Denmark as a limited partnership with HIMPP A/S being the complementary general partner. HIMPP has a Board of Directors that convenes twice a year and appoints a president. HIMPP’s Management Group directs the day-to-day operations of HIMPP and has representation from all partners. The Management Group convenes several times annually.
HIMPP partners own and manage their own patent portfolios. HIMPP has no interest or involvement in any matter concerning patents belonging to its partners. HIMPP is thus not a patent pool.
Nothing in the HIMPP arrangement restrains partners or licensees from making improvements to patented technology or developing competing technology. There are no restrictions on HIMPP partners or licensees regarding their product design or commercial marketing. The arrangement does not contain any provision that might create a disincentive to innovate or to compete.
HIMPP manages a sophisticated patent search of most fields relevant to hearing instruments. The results of the search are made available to HIMPP’s partners and during regular meetings of the HIMPP Management Group, new patents and applications are discussed if relevant and if prior art exists.